Facts About The Petroleum Engineering Major

For those who would major in petroleum engineering will get a broad background in engineering and business in preparation for developing ways to locate and extract minerals below the earth's surface, particularly petroleum.Petroleum Engineering students will likewise learn to design the systems that are utilized in oil and gas production.Your interests should cover solving problems, international travel, using computers, outdoor activities and working with others.

The recommended high school preparation would be English 4, pre-college mathematics 4, biology 1, physics 1, chemistry 1, social studies 2, history 1, foreign language 2, and computer science 1.

The typical courses in this major would cover Drilling, Reservoir Engineering, Formation Evaluation, Engineering Economics, Production Engineering, Mineral Law and Rock Properties

What the Petroleum Engineering major is like
It takes approximately one year of course work in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and geology for those majors in petroleum engineering.Another year of engineering sciences like computer analysis methods, electronics, strength of materials, behavior of hydrocarbon fluids, flow of fluids, and flow of heat.This work imparts students the basic problem-solving skills necessary to tackle the technical challenges of modern engineering design.Also included in the program is course work in humanities and social sciences.
During the junior and senior years, students undergo more specialized course work and laboratory work in such areas as well drilling, economic evaluation of mineral properties, mineral law, etc.

At least one-half year of engineering design is included in advanced topics.The use of computers is incorporated during the specialized course work.
Petroleum engineering majors mostly get on-the-job training through summer jobs in industry.Major oil companies do the recruitment for both summer and permanent positions on nearly all campuses that provide petroleum engineering degrees.The petroleum industry offers a huge number of scholarships for those who are interested in this field.

Careers related to the major
The usual positions available for graduates of petroleum engineering programs are those in the oil and gas companies, pipeline companies, service companies and drilling contractors, consulting firms, and financial institutions.Other jobs mainly involve fieldwork overseeing drilling or production operations, and others primarily require office work.Some positions are extremely technical, and others deal with business management.Other jobs that are available would be energy company management, production engineer, drilling engineer, reservoir engineer, research engineer, safety manager, environmental protection manager and computer applications specialist.


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Article Written by Tip Writer

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