How To Make Your Own Organic Fertilizer

You may be surprised to know that the best fertilizer is free.You can get this by composting.Its lowly beginnings basically comes from garden trimmings, kitchen scraps, and other disposed items, but when they have all disintegrated you get a nutrient-rich combination equal to garden gold.

Faster Composting
You may spend up to $20 for some pounds of compost activator that claims to speed up activity in the pile to be able to achieve compost sooner.But why exhaust your budget by spending money on these if there are free, raw materials that can quicken a compost pile? A common reason for a slow composting of a pile is a deficiency of nitrogen.Just put some fresh grasses, grass cuttings, or manure (all these are rich in nitrogen) to the heap to get things acting once more.

Grow Your Own Nitrogen Plant Food
Leguminous plants, also called green manures, are good fertilizer deals around.By growing these plants, then tilling them into the ground, you add plentiful stores of nitrogen taken from the air by the roots of the plants.

These green manures are really a great bargain.

For a few dollars, you can buy plenty of green manure seeds enough to plant in a garden space of 1,000 square feet.For dried blood to cover the same area, you'd spend about $600 and another $45 for cottonseed meal.

Organic matter that has been left for a long time have deoxidized to dark, crumbly humus.(These can be found at the back of the piles.) Dig into the underside where the oldest stuff can be found.Do not add fresh or undecomposed items like sawdust, corn husks, and leaves to the soil, to avoid inducing a nitrogen deficiency.


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