How To Write An Effective Resume

The word resumé is derived from the French word "resumér" meaning "to summarize." Therefore, the actual purpose of a resume is to summarize your work experience, knowledge, skills, and accomplishments.

All good and effective resumés follow universal basic rules of thumb. Although some flexibility may be applied in these guidelines, diverting too far from the basics is not something you would not want to do. You will want a resumé that is strong, exciting, and interesting but not overdone. You will also aim for a resumé that still remains fairly conservative. In other words, it must be strong but not tacky.

You must be able to show that you are confident in your abilities, but not appearing boastful. You should exude eagerness to take the job, but not desperate. So there is a fine line that you must tread on in an effort to create the best resumé possible.

You may want to utilize intelligent words in your resumé. However, it is not impressive to an employer to see or hear long, flowery, or unfamiliar words or phrases. It is better to use common but appropriate words as much as possible. Of course, if the position you are applying for is a highly

technical one, it’s an accepted fact that some of the particular terms used would be needed in that particular field. But as a general rule you must keep it simple and direct to the point.

The word resumé is derived from the French word “resumér” meaning “to summarize.” Therefore, the actual purpose of a resume is to summarize your work experience, knowledge, skills, and accomplishments. Therefore, being too wordy is to be avoided. Be precise in what you mean using the least number of words possible.

The length of your resumé is also crucial. Resumes should remain about 1 to 3 pages long. Don’t be tempted to create a resumé that is longer than 3 pages, even if you have so much to say. Take note that a resumé is meant to be a summary. A lengthy resumé will simply will bore the reader. There will be too much data that nothing will stand out to be remembered.


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